Sad news


Such sad news to hear that Rhodri Morgan, former First Minister of the Welsh Assembly, passed away on 18th May 2017.

Here are some photos of Rhodri at our 10th Anniversary event in 2012, and at the launch of CAFCASS Cymru in 2004 with a young person from our Merthyr Tydfil Participation Project.

He was a great friend and supporter of Tros Gynnal Plant and the Third Sector in general. He had an easy rapport with everyone, babies, children, young people and adults alike and he had a rare ability to engage with children and young people, making them feel that what they had to say was important and valid.

I was fortunate to benefit from his advice and insight on many occasions. He was everything and more than what is being reported in his obituaries. I cannot add anything other than to say that I feel that I was very privileged to have known Rhodri at a significant time in our history and believe that the Human and Children’s Rights agenda would not have been so far advanced in Wales without him.

Jackie Murphy CEO