Question-time Safe Stars V the Professionals #TGPQT Week 9

Aug 3, 2020

Ceredigion Junior Safeguarding Board, the Safe Stars, continue to ask questions to a number of the professionals from a variety of sectors whose role is to safeguard children and young people across Wales. 

This week the Safe Stars had the pleasure of meeting Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales. Sally and her team support children and young people to find out about their rights as well as offering advice. They also speak up for children and young people across the whole of Wales on important issues. For more information on the Children Commissioner’s work visit 

We would like to say a massive thanks to Sally for taking the time to meet with us and for taking part in the #TGPQT Safe Stars Challenge. Thank you Sally for some excellent answers too. Take a look at the Commissioner’s answers here

Why not take on the ‘Question-time Lockdown’ Challenge yourself! It is really quite good ☺

Ceredigion Junior Safeguarding Board