How can we help?

What services we have to offer

Advocacy, Participation Groups and Independent Visiting.

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is about having someone to listen to you. It can help you to tell the people who make decisions about your life what you think and how you feel.

View or download our information leaflet here >

Advocacy can help you to:

  • get your voice heard
  • know and understand your rights
  • take part in meetings and reviews
  • sort things out with your social worker or carer
  • make a complaint.

Our eligibility criteria:

If you are living in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys, you may be eligible for advocacy if you meet any of the following criteria: 

  • If you are under the care of your local authority
  • If you receive support from social services
  • If you are in the process of leaving care under the age of 21, or under the age of 25 for those in further education

NHS complaint advocacy

We can also provide advocacy if you are under 18 and want to raise a concern or make a complaint in relation to a NHS service.

Participation Groups

A participation group is a great way to meet other young people who share similar interests and experiences, and the group makes learning about your rights fun!

We run two safeguarding participation groups – Safe Stars in Ceredigion and CADW which is a regional Junior Safeguarding Children’s Board covering the counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.

The groups meet three or four times a year to discuss issues which are important to the members and have frequent guests from Social Service workers and the Police to help keep them informed.

The groups don’t just meet and talk. They also organise and take part in some great activities, including residential weekends, making DVDs and raps!

Listen to CADW’s rap below:

Independent Visiting

For those with no or limited contact with their family, the Independent Visiting service may be right for you.

An Independent Visitor is an adult who will visit and spend time with you. This may be someone who will just talk and serve as a positive role model, or they can take you out on fun activities and trips! 

Read our leaflet to learn more about Independent Visiting >

For more information please contact our Independent Visitor Coordinator, Jess Owen, on 07986 987559.

How do I get in touch?

We are friendly and easy to talk to, give us a call on the number below! Remember to ask for an advocate.

If you would rather a parent/carer make a referral on your behalf, they could fill out a referral form linked below or call the number below.

Who is in our team

Kath Jones
Team Manager
Peter Bradley
Senior Advocate
Jess Owen
Independent Visitor Coordinator and Independent Professional Advocate
How do you enjoy spending your free time?
I love painting bright abstract pictures and I love spending time with my flock of sheep. I sometimes spray them rainbow coloured too!
Becky Morton
Independent Professional Advocate
Hannah Sedgewick
Independent Professional Advocate
Richard Fleming
Independent Professional Advocate
Jacqui Ball
Independent Professional Advocate
Kerry Llama
Independent Professional Advocate
Nia Lewis
Independent Professional Advocate
Phil Layton
Independent Professional Advocate
What is your favourite film?
Good Will Hunting
Vicky Thomson
Independent Professional Advocate
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
I would like the power to fly. I think the freedom to fly would be amazing and I could travel around Britain and to other countries to see the sights with ease.
Sarah Hope
Independent Professional Advocate
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I like making stop motion animation films
Steve Whyte
Independent Professional Advocate
Ann Harris
What is your favourite movie?
The Notebook

Ways to get in touch

Telephone (Aberaeron): 01545 571865
Email: [email protected]
Freephone number: 0808 168 2599

Project address

Min-y-Mor Bungalow, Wellington Gardens, Aberaeron, Ceredigion, SA46 OBQ