Empowering Young Voices: A Recap of Belong Project’s Recent Activities

Apr 12, 2023

The Belong Project has been actively working towards empowering the voices of young refugees and those seeking asylum. In their recent activities, the group have been able to express themselves and raise awareness about their experiences.


Voice-Over Sessions

Working alongside ProMo Cymru, several of the young people of Belong have provided their voice for a video providing guidance to Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC). The sessions provided a platform for these young people to share their stories and experiences in their own language. During the first session, scripts were recorded in English, Arabic and Kurdish Sorani.


NoFit State Creative Activities

Another recent highlight for the project was their collaboration with NoFit State Circus. The Belong Project and NoFit State provided a creative outlet for young people to express themselves through various activites, such as circus skills, street art and sculpting. The sessions not only helped the young people improve their creative skills but also boosted their confidence and self-esteem.


Meeting The Children’s Commissioner

The Belong Project also met with the Children’s Commissioner Rocio Cifuentes to discuss issues faced by their communities. The discussion provided an opportunity to voice concerns and explore ways to support young refugees in Wales. During these sessions the young people became a part of the Children’s Commissioner community ambassador project.


The Belong project is a part of our Refugee and Asylum Programme (RAP) team. To learn more about our team, visit their article ->